Legislation Tracker: 192nd General Court
What State Leaders are saying about CRNAs:
“Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetists have been essential to our health care system in the fight against COVID-19” said State Senator Cindy F. Friedman, Senate Chair of the Joint Committee on Health Care Financing. “The elimination of certain supervision requirements for CRNAs will not only be immediately helpful as we continue to respond to the pandemic, but will expand access to care in the long term without sacrificing care quality and patient safety.”
“Relaxing supervision requirements for CRNAs helped Massachusetts respond to this pandemic,” said House Speaker Ronald Mariano. “The recent health care law recognizes the contributions of CRNAs and takes lessons learned during the pandemic and makes them a permanent part of our healthcare system.”
"I have been proud to work closely with CRNAs over the years," said Senator Marc Pacheco. "Their efforts during this pandemic have been heroic, and they deserve our commitment to support their profession"
“CRNAs have performed admirably on the frontlines”, said Representative Paul Donato. “Allowing APRNs more autonomy allows patients greater access to care.”
“As the COVID-19 pandemic pushed our health care system to its limit the important role of CRNAs has been made abundantly clear. CRNA’s skills and unique expertise made them leaders in addressing the deadliest parts of this virus, said Representative Kay Khan. “I am so inspired by all CRNAs who have been on the frontlines of the COVID-19 crisis.”
Key MANA Issues
- Patient Safety
- Health Care Access
- Diversity and Equity in Health Care
- Health Care Cost
- Opioid Abuse
- Standard of Care Protection
- Provider Wellness and Safety
- Fair Workforce Practices
- Professional Regulations
- Education Funding and Credentials
- CRNA Leadership Opportunities
- CRNA & Nurse Anesthesiologists Title and Descriptor Protection
Executive Order Documents
Patients First Act
The COVID-19 crisis has highlighted the critical care and airway expertise that CRNAs provide every day. While performing under immense pressure this year, Massachusetts CRNAs also successfully reach out to elected officials in RECORD NUMBERS to support more autonomy for CRNA prescriptive practice!
Because of YOUR work, the Legislature passed, and the Governor signed, The Patients First Act, a health care bill that recognizes the independence and skill of all CRNAs. This new law is similar to the current Executive Order (issued in March) that Massachusetts CRNAs are currently working under, with the potential for more CRNA independence.
For the time being CRNAs will continue to work under the terms of the Executive Order. For more information please see the below chart and resource links. Similar information was distributed in March. The next step for the new law is promulgation, or having the language written into regulations, by the Board of Registration in Nursing (BORN). As that process moves forward we will keep you updated.
Make no mistake about it...this is a huge victory for our profession. Your strong response to MANA's calls to action have resulted in a clear recognition of the vital role Massachusetts CRNAs play in the healthcare system. THANK YOU. Give YOURSELVES a hand!
Legislative Update
As the new Massachusetts legislative session begins, I want to inform you that a bill has been filed that would allow Anesthesiologist Assistants to begin practicing in Massachusetts. We are still in the earliest days of this two-year legislative session, so there will be a long road ahead of review and debate.
MANA is already hard at work advocating on your behalf to explain to legislators why this would be a bad move for Massachusetts healthcare.
Stay tuned for next steps. In the meantime, use the AANA as a resource to read up on AAs here.
Legislative Session
Welcome to a new legislative session!
