About MANA

The Massachusetts Association of Nurse Anesthesiology (MANA) is the state association of Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetists (CRNAs), advanced practice nurses.  We are dedicated to the professional interests of nurse anesthetists in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. Our main objectives are: patient safety through the advancement of the science and art of anesthesia, as well as the promotion of cooperation between nurse anesthetists, all medical professionals, hospitals, and other agencies interested in anesthesia. 

MANA is an affiliate of the American Association of Nurse Anesthesiology (AANA). AANA membership is now more than 64,000 members—89% of all U.S. CRNAs and SRNAs.  Membership in the AANA automatically entitles any CRNA (or SRNA) who chooses Massachusetts for their state affiliation to be member of MANA. 

MANA has over 900 members who practice in a variety of settings including being the primary anesthesia providers in most rural areas. Nurse anesthetists have been providing anesthesia care to patients in the United States for nearly 150 years. Our association is involved in a variety of activities that advance the practice of anesthesia.